
Did you miss church? Forget to grab a bulletin? Maybe you misplaced your bulletin?

No worries, you are in the right place! This page will contain important messages and events from the bulletin! 

Bulletin Notes


Meal 6:00pm

Discovery 6:30-7:30pm


Sign up list for cleaning is located in the welcome center for those who would like to volunteer.



If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

-Matt 16:24

Baptismal service will be Sunday, Feb 9 at 10:30am. If anyone is interested in taking the next step in following Jesus, please feel free to call Bro. Doney or Bro. Trenton anytime.


Center Court is almost done. If you would be interested in giving a half time devotion or refereeing, please speak with Bro. Trenton.


If you would like a copy of your tithes for tax purposes, there is a sheet in the welcome center you can sign. IF you have already signed the list, your copy has been emailed or is located in the Welcome Center.


Please be in prayer about another van driver for Discovery. Our vans are overflowing right now, and we could really benefit from another full-time driver.



Other Dates to Remember

Feb 9                          Bible Drill Showcase

Feb 22                       Pantry @ 9am

Upcoming Events

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