
Did you miss church? Forget to grab a bulletin? Maybe you misplaced your bulletin?

No worries, you are in the right place! This page will contain important messages and events from the bulletin! 

Bulletin Notes

When missing church begins not to bother you anymore, then sin will not bother you either!! Go to God’s house!

You DO need it!


Sign up list for cleaning is located in the welcome center for those who would like to volunteer.



Center Court games begin this Saturday, January 11th. If you would be interested in giving a half time devotion or refereeing, please speak with Bro. Trenton.

Also, if you are interested in helping with concession see Brooke Smith.



Dear church family, my brothers and I appreciate the Bibles bought in memory of our mother. Thank you for your love and friendship to our parents. they loved their church family.

Love in Christ, Karen, David, and Matt



Other Dates to Remember

Jan 11            Center Court Games Begin

Jan 15            Discovery Returns

Upcoming Events

Be sure to follow the What's Happening page to stay up to date on all church events.